Schools That Deliver is a master class on effective leadership and school renewal. These authors know how to change a vision from a dream into a plan that works. This is not theory: John and Bill have actually guided transformative change in multiple settings. We have here a unique treasury of wisdom that spans the range from big-picture design to daily actions of leaders who build trust . . . a groundbreaking book.”

Jon Saphier, Research for Better Teaching. Author of The Skillful Teacher

Schools That Deliver is long overdue in the midst of too much focus on testing and accountability. It has the potential to provide a practical guide coupled with the underlying philosophy to assist school leaders in making their schools engaging environments for all students and staff.”

Richard A. Simon, Adjunct Professor. Stony Brook University and Long Island University Post

“Schools That Deliver is an exceptional work to inspire, rejuvenate, and engage your school staff along a powerfully aligned trajectory toward success.  Reimagine your school through the lens of these transformative authors.”

Jill Gildea, Superintendent. Fremont School District 79, Mundelein, IL

“A common thread that separates Schools That Deliver from others is the focus on remaining loyal to the unique personality of each individual school while providing specific tools and procedures to focus on.”

Delia McCraley, Principal, Southgate Academy

“If we really believe our societies need deep change in order to address the immense social and ecological imbalances we see everywhere, we must remember that all these problems are produced by highly educated people—like you and me! We will then conclude that few changes are more important than reinventing the Industrial Age school model that still shapes the education mainstream of all countries. As John Edwards and Bill Martin show, educators and communities around the world are more than up for the task given the sorts of learning tools and processes they have spent decades refining. There is no one model or answer. As they show, education for a future with a future will embody nature’s principles of diversity and coherence—underpinned by a deep conviction in the innate wisdom of children, and the belief that cultivating the compassion and larger intelligence that are our birthrights will produce future generations capable of writing a new chapter in the human story.”

Peter Senge, MIT. Author of The Fifth Discipline

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