A new teacher enters her classroom. She holds a dream for the way she wants her class to soar; she holds a dream for the teaching life that lies ahead for her. Over time, this evolves; reality reshapes all of our dreams. We see teachers living the joy of a teaching career, being filled daily by the nobility of the life teaching can provide. We also meet teachers grieving for the loss of their dreams, the loss of the career they envisioned.

The new principal enters the school, filled with dreams for the school. We know principals flourishing in their leadership career and we know principals grieving for their loss.

Parents have dreams for that child they held in their arms. They want the best for their child and will do almost anything to help achieve that. We know parents filled with the joy of family and the richness this brings to their lives. We also know parents grieving for the child they feel has somehow missed out.

This bridge between dreaming and grieving is crossed regularly throughout life. What stance we take on this bridge impacts our life and our career.

What message does this hold for us in education? Take some time to reflect on this.

What have you dreamed?
What have you lost?
What do you hold dear and will never let go?”

An excerpt from the book
Read by one of the co-authors,
Dr John Edwards

Chapter 1, The Hidden Power of Alignment,
Page 2-3 / 2.05min
Published by Corwin Press Inc
ISBN: 9781506333472